Hugh MacPhie
Hugh is an author, public speaker, and advisor to some of Canada’s most successful leaders.
Hugh is known for making complex ideas simple and easy to understand. His background as a packaged goods marketer and political speechwriter has helped him to refine his ability to facilitate conversations that achieve clarity and leave people feeling inspired.
What fascinates Hugh is this: what do people cheer for, and why? Exploring this question led Hugh to MacPhie’s Magnetism philosophy, which is based on the premise that organizations and brands either naturally attract – or repel – people who matter to them. When organizations increase their magnetism, people cheer for them. And, when people cheer for them, organizations achieve their goals more easily. Hugh often presents this thinking as a keynote address.
Hugh’s book, Don’t Forget Your Cape! What Preschoolers Teach Us About Leadership and Life, makes leadership lessons easy to understand, and provides a playbook for building a high-performing team culture. It has been praised by the Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, and London Free Press.
A popular speaker, Hugh has guest lectured at Western University’s Richard Ivey School of Business, Carleton University’s Master’s program in political management, and the Bachelor of Business Administration program at Wilfrid Laurier University.
Hugh lives in Toronto with his wife, two kids, and two cats.