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The Importance of Remembering Faces and Names
A friend recently told me a story that reminded me of a quote from Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People: “A person’s name is to him or her the sweetest and most important sound in any language.” My friend was at the end of what he thought was a...
Impactful Marketing on a Budget
We’ve heard it time and again - small things add up. Whether it’s saving money, going on a diet or trying to accomplish practically any personal goal, we narrow in on developing small habits that eventually lead to big rewards. It sounds easy – using small steps to...
The Power of Purpose
At MacPhie, we love to facilitate conversations on what’s new and interesting in the industry. One of the ways we do this is Podcast Club, which involves taking a deep dive on learnings from a podcast and how they may be applied to our context. This week, we listened...
What’s Marketing Without Values?
“Whole foods, whole people, whole planet” – who would have thought that such a simple message could make such an impact. Co-CEO of Whole Foods, John Mackey said this holistic mission resulted in “more money than you thought possible”. Strategically aligning their...
Where to Prioritize Employee Engagement Efforts for Maximum ROI
Countless studies – too long and painful a list to recite here – have demonstrated that when people are more highly engaged, your organization is more likely to thrive and achieve its goals and objectives. An engaged employee feels passionate about their job, is more...
Giving Juniors a Voice at the Table
When searching for a new job, we all have our own vision of what the ideal workplace would be like. While some look for a corporate environment, others want a more hip or casual environment. Some people like to work independently, while others want to collaborate with...
How to Say “No” to Bad Ideas
“I’ve figured it out! I know what we need to do to set our company back on track! Allow me to introduce… the Pontiac Aztec.” No. No. No. A thousand times no. Now, we weren’t in the room when the Aztec got a green light, and the now defunct Pontiac launched one of the...
The Secret to Holiday Campaigns
In 1931 the Coca-Cola company employed illustrator Haddon Sundblom to draw a friendly Santa for their Christmas campaign. At that time, Santa was a known story, but he hadn’t quite reached the same level of brand recognition that he now enjoys. This iconic campaign is...
New Year, New Habit
Do you notice how crowded the gym is in January? This may be because people are returning from holidays, or couldn’t resist themselves at family feasts, or – what is most likely – following through on their New Year’s resolutions. The New Year creates a natural sense...
Leadership Lessons from Santa Claus
For centuries, Santa Claus has been the leader of one of the largest not-for-profit operations in the world. Despite the constant societal, economic and technological changes that he has experienced since the 4th Century, he has managed to evolve, keep his customers...
Craft a Memorable Holiday Office Party
We’ve either lived it or heard the stories – the last-minute secret Santa gifts, the stale gingerbread cookies or Mariah Carey’s Christmas anthem stuck on repeat. There’s a hundred and one ways to miss the holiday mark, and those examples only scrape the surface. The...
Twelve Days of Leadership Lessons
It is our tradition at MacPhie to share insights, ideas, and inspiration during the holiday season. In that spirit, we invite you to view “Twelve Days of Leadership Lessons”.