Board Orientation Done Differently

If you’ve been on a Board, it’s likely that you’ve sat through a Board Orientation session, read a Board Orientation package or – worse, had no orientation at all. Most Board Orientations are nuts-and-bolts affairs, with a focus on the basics of the organization’s mission and history, and a rundown of roles, responsibilities, and governance practices.
All of this is well and good but misses a key component: the building of an effective team.
While we don’t often think of them in this way, Boards are teams. And, to function well, Boards need to onboard new members in a way that builds trust, grounds the group in a shared purpose, and facilitates a mutual understanding of values.
Recently, we had the privilege of designing and leading a Board Orientation process for a not-for-profit Board undergoing significant change: the entire Board was turning over, after a period of tumultuous interpersonal challenges. This was a chance for a fresh start, and the outgoing Chairs wanted to make sure that the new Board was set up for success, not only by ensuring knowledge of the organization and governance, but by laying the foundation for effective teamwork and healthy – rather than toxic – conflict.
Our process consisted of three short, interactive sessions.
Part I: Getting to Know the Organization
The nuts and bolts still matter – they just aren’t the only thing. This first session focused on the organization itself, introducing new Board members to the organization’s history, vision, mission, and organizational structure. This was supplemented with a detailed Board Orientation package, outlining roles, responsibilities, and governance practices. The goal was to establish a shared baseline of foundational knowledge about the organization and the Board’s role.
Part II: Getting to Know the Board
Sometimes, it feels like Board members get to know each other through osmosis. They cautiously feel out dynamics and communication styles with each passing meeting, slowly building into a way of working together.
We believe strongly that every team has a culture, whether by design or default. This session was all about building that culture deliberately, by design, from the very start. If Board members could get away with staying in “listening mode” during session one, they certainly couldn’t in session two. To build relationships of trust, we used strategic questions to get Board members sharing their superpowers and kryptonites, as well as their stress behaviours and what they need from others to succeed.
Part III: Putting it All Together
In our final orientation session, we guided the Board through a discussion of how, as a team, they can use their individual strengths and interests to bring the organization’s vision to life. We moved from discussing our role as a Board to beginning to live it, devising a high-level list of priorities, leveraging our strengths and working styles, to propel the organization forward.
At the end of the process, we received one of the most glowing letters of thanks we’ve ever gotten from a client. Honestly, it blew me away. I won’t quote the whole thing, but here’s a line that captures the gist:
“I watched your sessions and facilitation bring together, rally, and galvanize a powerful group of people around a mission that they already believed in. These sessions gave them tools and a direction from the jump. What a great way to be set up for success and conflict as a Board.”
Board Orientations can and should do more, for the Board itself, and for the organization as a whole. Treating Boards as teams can help level up your organization. Want to learn more about our Board Facilitation work? Click here to read about our approach.
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